Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.
When you look at the Greek word that is translated "freely," it has a connotation of undeserved. This is not just something that we didn't pay for. This is something that we didn't deserve. And no matter how long you have been following Christ, no matter how many good things you have done, no matter how much you have sacrificed for him, you still don't deserve it. I still don't deserve it. That guy over there doesn't deserve it. So, as we go out proclaiming the good news, lets stop expecting people to somehow deserve God's grace and mercy. Let's give it away freely, without condition, without strings, recklessly, the way that God gives it to us.
Amen, I don't deserve it! I need to stop judging whether or not someone else deserves it, that's not my call.thankyou!