This is what it means to live a life of faith. God will not answer all of your questions. God will not give you a five year plan to follow. God will not lay out the path for you before you begin the journey.
At this point, you might be frustrated. You might feel like I used to the title of this post to troll you, as nothing more than a ploy to get you to click the link. Ok, maybe just a little. But, I have intentionally let you dangle for a bit to test your tolerance for uncertainty. Is this guy a heretic? Is he suggesting that God doesn't care about the individual? Surely he's going to offer an explanation, an exemption, a reason that I'm the exception to the rule. Well, not exactly.
I stand by my statement. If you understand God's plan for your life to be one of a micromanager, one where every detail of your existence is predetermined and waiting for you to walk the path, then I respectfully disagree. In that sense, God does not have a plan for your life. Now can we, in hindsight, see God at work in our lives, in the course of events that have led us to the present, in the decisions that we have made? Of course. If we had made completely different choices and led to a different present, could we look back and see God's hands at work? Of course.
You see, God's plan is so much bigger than your life. God's plan is to redeem, reclaim, and restore all of creation. The way in which God does have a plan for your life is this. Since you are part of creation, you are included in the plan. You are individually invited to be an agent of restoration, a participant in the redemption of all things. Isn't that so much cooler than whether or not God wants you to attend school X or school Y? You get to be part of the advance team. You get to be (if you choose to of course) a conduit of love, grace, and mercy.
I encountered this verse in Romans 11 as I was studying today. I'm convinced that this is God's plan for my life. This is from the Message.
In one way or another, God makes sure that we all experience what it means to be outside so that he can personally open the door and welcome us back in.This is his plan, his master work. He stands before all of creation, a creation that has chosen to live in rebellion, outside in the cold, away from the blessings of its loving creator, and says, "Welcome home. I had big plans for you in the beginning, and your disobedience hasn't changed them one bit. Let's get to work."
That is God's plan for you. His plan is to lavish on you his life, love, grace, and mercy. His plan is to invite you into a relationship with him that will make you whole and complete. And he can accomplish this plan whether you are in Washington or Timbuktu. What is essential is to answer his call the same way the ancients like Abram, Samuel and Isaiah did, "Here I am."
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