Monday, March 12, 2012

In Romans it says. . .

Wow, God knew I was going to need some Romans this morning. I love this letter. It's at the same time high theology and passionate love letter. As I've read through the New Testament this time, I've often switched to the Message paraphrase to give me a fresh take on scripture I've read many times before. I did that this morning and got so wrapped up that I read an extra chapter. I just couldn't stop reading. It's all still marinating a bit, and there is so much good stuff here. I'll just whet your appetite with a small morsel and hopefully you will dive in an read it for yourself.

In chapter 4, Paul gives a great dialogue on Abraham. This is certainly appropriate since he is addressing Jewish readers. Peterson translates verse 17 this way.
We call Abraham "father" not because he got God's attention by living like a saint, but because God made something out of Abraham when he was a nobody.
 I know this. I've know this for a long time. And yet, I'm constantly trying to get God's attention with my good deeds. I'm constantly trying to earn what he's already freely given me. I'm constantly trying to deserve what is only available as a gift of grace.

God, I'm a nobody, but I'm your nobody. I belong to you, not because of my worth, but because of your choice. Thank you for choosing me. Thank you for choosing humanity. Thank you for choosing creation. Today, I choose to live in response to your gift rather than tying to earn your favor. Amen. (Let it be so!)

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